Every day this pig can’t wait to see his favorite UPS driver

Scott Hodges, a 30-year UPS veteran, knows that it’s always better to have snacks on hand when delivering packages.
If he doesn’t, Miss Porkchop, the grumpy pig, will no doubt speak out about it.
One day, three years ago, Hodges was delivering goods to a vineyard in Newberg, Oregon, when he was met not only by the dogs of the owners of the winery, but also by their pet pig.
It seems that the dogs have warned her about the treats that couriers always receive, and she will never miss her goods.
She is very hospitable. Hodges think she believes she’s just one of the dogs. She can only climb the stairs on her front paws because her hind paws are too short to get into his car when the dogs are waiting for their reward, which happens often. And that’s lucky, because it would be difficult to get her down, considering she weighs 400 lbs.
Since the winery sends out quite a lot of orders, Hodges usually goes there up to four times a week to pick up new batches. While dogs usually get cookies, Miss Porkchop gets muesli, carrots or apples depending on the day.
For a long time she was free to walk around the vineyard, but it gets very crowded, so now she and her piglets are in a large pasture with a fence. But even now she still meets me there to say hello.
Together with the pig, the man befriended several horses from a nearby shelter, as well as several llamas and goats that locals keep as pets.
Hodges always has a variety of unique snacks for each of his ever-growing number of companion animals. He alternates carrots, grapes, apples and alfalfa cubes for farm animals and uses about three boxes of dog biscuits every week.