Dolphins Saved a Woman’s Life from Death in the Sea

A university professor Khosrow Khosravani noticed a pond of dolphins swimming nearby his yacht. Soon enough, he realized that it wasn’t just a beautiful sight to see, but there was a reason for that.
Dolphins were trying to save the life of a lady who was destined to drown in 18-degree water.
The first thing Khosrow noticed was the women’s feet as he was getting closer to the dolphins. «I would never have seen this lady who had only a few hours to live if it hadn’t been for the animals,» Khosrow recalled.
Before getting into the water, he instructed his companions on how to stay save on the boat.
«I informed them that while these talents are rarely used in reality, they must be learned.» «And they all have to remember what I told them after 30 minutes,» Khosrow said.
The body was totally soaked through. She wasn’t breathing or moving as she was freezing. Khosrow covered her with warm clothes and called the authorities. The rescue team arrived within 7 minutes, and together they took the woman to the shore.
Latter on it turned out that she was traped in the water.