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Dog leads dad to abandoned pup sleeping In muddy hole

One fine day, William Thomas Green was walking his rescued dog, named Cokie. When he let Cokie off leash, something grabbed her attention.
«Cokie in no time rushed to the corner of the park and stared at me,» said Green. «I went back to see what was goin on with her.»
What Green found broke his heart.
The dog had led her father to the dog sleeping in the mud. The Foxhound had been abandoned during a nighttime storm and was so thin and sick he couldn’t even stand.
@fullblownmltdwn #answer to @Subani Moktan this popped off and now shes 60 pounds and the happiest dog ever😂 #rescuedog #malnourished #abandoned #happypuppy #sweetdog ♬ Own Brand Freestyle — FelixThe1st & Dreya Mac
Green quickly went to the car and got her food and water and took her to the vet clinic where she was diagnosed with worms. She was also very skinny as she had been used for breeding. The puppy was named Lucky Lucy.
After a couple of days of treatment, he took Lucy home. She was introduced to the rest of his family. His wife’s parents immediately were smitten with her.
After months of care and compassion, Lucy began to realize she was finally safe.
@fullblownmltdwn A happy ending for #lucky! #rescuedog #abandoneddog #abandonedpuppy #puppy #dog #whorescuedwho #pups #playtime ♬ You Got A Friend In Me (From «Toy Story») — Just Kids
At first, Lucy was extremely fearful, and despite being a Foxhound, Lucy didn’t howl or bark at anything. After she got the hang of it, she began doing small ‘oops,’ and we saw that she was starting to trust everybody in the family. Now if she sees a bird outside, she goes mad and howls like the house has been broken into.»
The relationships of the two dogs have deepened since they first met. All they want to do is play together. They are very much like two loving sisters.