Dog comforts an orphaned foal after his mother’s death and takes under his wing
Dogs are probably the most tender and sympathetic animals. They have fantastic defensive instincts, and will sometimes safeguard an animal if they feel they are in need.
Karla Swindle is the owner of S & K Quarter Horses in Fayette, Alabama. A couple of years ago, a horses, a 22-year-old mare named Sandy, who had a 9-day-old foal, was euthanized because of deteriorating health.
Feeling Tye’s grief, Zip, Karla’s beloved dog, stayed with the little foal all night, cheering him.
Losing his mother Tye made a caring friend who let him know he was not alone. Dogs are emotionally intelligent. They can sense someone’s death.
The caring dog kept caring for Tye for weeks, and wanted to visit his new fellow every morning. The foal has grown up to be a cheerful horse undoubtedly thanks to Zip.
Tye now spends most of his time with his horse buddies getting more independent from Zip. When the little creature was in need, Zip was there for him.
They will remain friends, though they no more rely on each other. They definitely have a unique place in each other’s heart.