Diver captures incredible moment when he came face-to-face with abnormally huge shark

Off the coast of Florida, 55-year-old diver John Moore saw a large bull shark. The corresponding photo of the male predator was published on his Instagram page.
There were various sharks swimming next to John Moore, but the man turned his attention to a bull shark. In his opinion, the predator may have been pregnant. The man made such conclusions because of her behavior.
«Most likely, she is pregnant and definitely has not missed a single meal.
She was a very dominant shark, she swam up to me confidently during the dive,» John added. Bull sharks are quite lazy and swim slowly.
Their diet consists mainly of large invertebrates, small sharks, other fish and dolphins. In addition, any garbage is eaten along with live prey.
At birth, their size is about 60 centimeters. In adulthood, the length is 1.5 — 2.5 meters.
Pregnancy lasts 10-11 months, after which the female gives birth to 3-13 fry. Males are aggressive towards any potential rivals, which can sometimes be considered even human.