Devoted cat walks around until he finds the family he lost

Halie Kutscher’s 9-year-old son was cradling an orange cat Beanie Baby, praying that his real cat, Oliver, would come back after their family moved to another location.
The boy did not know though that his cat Oliver had walked as long as 40 miles to find his family
The Kutscher family has recently moved from their home in Bridgeport, West Virginia, to Morgantown. After the move they realized that their cat had disappeared and started searching for Oliver. The cat did not show up, so the family made a decision to leave without him.
“We knew that we had some time to keep coming back to the old house to look for him, so we were still hopeful,” Kutscher said. “We would go back every weekend.”
But the family could not find Oliver each time they returned.
“Every time we left without a sign of him and my son would cry relentlessly,” Kutscher said. “It was so heartbreaking to watch this.”
So the family was getting prepared for a difficult conversation with their son, where they’d tell him the devastating news that Oliver was probably gone forever.
“His dad and I did not think we would have to deal with the loss of a pet at such an early age,” Kutscher said. And during this moment, out of nowhere, an orange cat appeared in their yard.
It was unbelievable that Oliver had found them after so many weeks of search!
“He was just staring up at us,” Kutscher said. “I scooped him right up in my arms … as soon as we got inside, I dropped to my knees and just held him sobbing. He stayed right there with me as the rest of the family and pets gathered around him.”
“He wasn’t scared or timid or anything,” Kutscher said. “He just looked content and happy to be home, and tired.”
Now safe in his new home, Oliver can finally relax after such a long journey. His family might never know how their cunning cat found them, but they’re so happy he did.