Daddy's Daughters: 10 Star Bloods Who Are Very Much Like Their Fathers

Daddy’s Daughters: 10 Star Bloods Who Are Very Much Like Their Fathers

 Daddy’s Daughters: 10 Star Bloods Who Are Very Much Like Their Fathers

It often happens that sons look like mothers, and daughters look like fathers. Although sometimes you want it to be the other way around. Many girls dream of inheriting all the best from a beautiful mother, and not the rough and masculine features of their father. Although as a result of mixing genes, children are sometimes born with a very interesting appearance.
We picked up photos of the daughters of famous star daddies who inherited the features of their fathers, while they are real beauties. Of course, you should not expect 100% identity, after all, there is also something from mothers.


Sadie looks a lot like her father Adam Sandler

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s daughter still looks more like her dad

Mick Jagger is a father of many children, he has 8 children. However, daughter Georgia most resembles her father.

Liv Tyler, it’s all clear

Zoya Kravets can be called a feminine copy of her father

Johnny Depp’s daughter took all the best from both parents, but still, she has eyes like her dad

Ireland is more of a mother’s daughter, however, she inherited the beauty of her eyes from her father

The eldest daughter of Bruce Willis Rumer is a copy of her dad, only she has eyes like her mother, Demi Moore

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