Caring Ukrainian people take animals out of the broken city of Bucha and look for new owners for them

Caring Ukrainian people take animals out of the broken city of Bucha and look for new owners for them

 Caring Ukrainian people take animals out of the broken city of Bucha and look for new owners for them

One of the dogs from the shelter has already found a foster family.
In the captured cities and villages, not only people, but also animals were tortured, and the cruelty of the Russians amazed the whole world. In Bucha, many dogs killed by the Russians are still lying on the street. A lot of them. There are also many homeless animals whose owners have been killed or fled to escape death. Volunteers have already begun to rescue animals from Bucha. Journalists also rescued four-legged friends; the TSN news team brought some dogs with them. Some of them found new families.

About the rescue of mustachioed and tailed friends in TSN.

Hungry, dirty, and lonely — one of these dogs were found by a police patrol in Bucha in a shelled car. The dog is lucky, she has already found a family.

But not all animal stories in Bucha end this way. Hundreds of abandoned dogs and cats, whose owners escaped the fire of the invaders, often even leaving all their belongings behind. Dozens of four-legged friends were killed by Russians and shot for fun. Loyal dogs never left the body of their owners after their death.

Konstantin saw on the news what a nightmare the animals had to go through in Bucha. He runs a pet store and decided to share food with four-legged stray dogs. Cat Ralph watched as tens of kilograms of food were transferred to the car. He also came under fire in Moshchun, Kyiv region. His mistress still does not know if their house has survived. Therefore, now they live in a pet store where Yanina works. “He lay under the bombardment for five days, and we thought we would never find him, but he hid under the sofa,” recalls the hostess.

TSN film crews recorded everything that Konstantin passed to Bucha. Here, about 20 Alabaevs lived under artillery fire, which the Russian military placed in a neighboring garden. It used to be a good nursery, but the war left it in ruins. “A rocket launcher was installed at this window. Here I left and went home. Then the Russians started firing. This was done purposefully and not by chance, but every day,” says the resident.

Tatyana says that every day the Russians shelled Irpin. Dozens of dogs huddled deep in their cages out of fear. And only recently have they begun to accept affection from people again.

Now a woman cannot keep so many dogs at once. Volunteers brought food for them, but it will only last for a month. Because next to little puppies there are real giants. She asks for help to at least save the young. Several puppies are already in the trunk of the TCH car. On the way, they pick up a sheepdog that was sitting in a pile of broken glass.

The car became a haven for dogs from Bucha. These are not the only three rescued since the release — another Pekingese was taken out of Vokzalnaya Street. The same one was littered with destroyed Russian equipment and with the burned houses of civilians. Another little chihuahua has become TSN’s favorite and sometimes appears on the air with the host.

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