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Camera caught the stray cat sleeping warmly in the cat house

The kind woman Maria Cassano noticed a stray cat in the backyard of their house. The poor cat, whom Maria named Mama, was wandering with her little baby. And the woman was worried about them. They were so weak and helpless. She asked her dad to make a shelter for the miserable creatures. Though he was reluctant to keep a pet in his house he willingly did it to feed them and make them comfortable. The kitten was taken by a neighbor and the sweet cat became alone. It was getting colder outside so the cat house for her was the perfect place to stay and be fed.
Soon Mama gave birth her second kitten and Maria’s dad decided to put a camera in the smal cat house to make sure the two were comforted and safe. The result were the adorable pics that showed the cute stray animals sleeping warmly.
Soon Maria found a loving home for the little kitten who adopted her. But Mama didn’t remain alone for a long time. She has found two fellows with whom she always hangs out in the yard. The small shelter is a perfect place for her to have rest and be comforted.
Thanks to the caring family Mama’s little kittens has gained their cosy homes and their mother got a little nook to feel fine and safe.