"Bypassed mother in beauty”: New photos of 16-year-old daughter Monica Bellucci

«Bypassed mother in beauty”: New photos of 16-year-old daughter Monica Bellucci

 «Bypassed mother in beauty”: New photos of 16-year-old daughter Monica Bellucci

Monica Bellucci passed her unearthly beauty to her daughter by inheritance. Deva Kassel was born in 2004. The girl’s father is actor Vincent Cassel.

Today, in this young beauty, you can see the features of both parents. Virgo constantly takes part in various photoshoots and many photographers around the world dream of working with her.

The other day, Italian Vogue presented a new issue, the main characters of which are 56-year-old Monica Bellucci and her beautiful 16-year-old daughter, Deva. This is the first joint shirt of a star mother and daughter, the author of which is photographer Rafael Panitsa.

The issue was released with two cover options. On both, Monica and Virgo pose with similar hairstyles and matching blue-green colored dresses that sit on the figure.

“I went around my mother in beauty”, “Young Bellucci”, “What a beauty”, “Looks like my parents”, “I can’t believe my eyes”, “Is it possible to be so beautiful?” Virgo’s fans wrote.

Virgo has been working on her modeling career for several years now. The girl started with advertising campaigns for brands such as Dolce & Gabbana and Cartier, and last fall she made her debut on the cover of a gloss — starred for the French Elle.

What do you think, dear readers? Does Virgo look like her famous parent? Share your opinion in the comments.

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