Brave husky finds box full of kittens and adopts them

Banner is a caring service dog.
She helps her owner Whitney Braley who has disabiilties and likes rescuing animals in need.
Banner is 3 years old.
Whitney and Banner enjoy rescuing animals together.
Not long ago Banner discovered 7 newborn kittens, hardly a day old in a box in the forest.
She quickly led Whitney through the forest straight to the box.
Banner instantly opened the box and took the poor things out.
Somebody had put them into the box, sealed it and left them in the forest to die, thinking nobody would find them.
Banner never leaves the kittens side. She behaves like their mother.
The dog was spayed about 1.5 years ago, but it didn’t affect her maternal instinct.
Whitney is intended to help the kittens to have their forever loving homes.