Big love of little people: the story of an unusual but very strong married couple

Big love of little people: the story of an unusual but very strong married couple

 Big love of little people: the story of an unusual but very strong married couple

Usually, people from scratch can turn a small problem into a big one. Because of this, they begin to suffer and worry, to torment themselves, and then over time they realize that there was no problem …
But next to us live people whose problems began from birth. And this in no way prevented them from realizing themselves, leading an active lifestyle, and fully enjoying themselves. We all should learn from such people’s optimism and the ability to appreciate every moment.

The heroes of today’s article are just such people. These are the Brazilians Paulo Gabriel da Silva Barros and Catusia li Hoshino, who is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest married couple in the world.

Paulo is 31 years old and only 90 cm tall, his wife, 28-year-old Katusia, is 1 cm taller than her husband.

Young people met on social networks. At first, they corresponded for some time, then there was the first meeting, and a few years later they got married.

Surely, in a world that was created for people of standard height, life is not easy for a small married couple. But they do not despair and try to live a full life.

Paulo works as a secretary for a law firm, and Katusia owns her beauty salon!

Until the age of 21, it was difficult for Paolo to move around and he did it on a children’s tricycle. Then he was made special orthopedic shoes, which made his life much easier.

Now he normally walks and moves in a car specially equipped for him. At work, Paolo has a respectful nickname «Paulinho Gigante», that is, the giant Paulo. Colleagues of the man admire his willpower and courage.

“Although we are so small, our hearts are very big. We love each other very much. Yes, there are enough problems in our lives, but it’s much easier to deal with them together!” Catusia said.

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