Baby elephant was saved due to the warm-hearted people

It is really wonderful that there are numerous kind-hearted people in the world who can do their best to help the ones in need. Kindness is the main feature that everyone should have and only that can save the world.
Such kind people were the truck drivers who immediately came to help the poor elephant on the road. They were driving along the highway when suddenly noticed the little baby appeared of nowhere. It was evident that the newborn creature was confused and weak. She couldn’t walk properly. So the good-natured people stopped the trucks and approached the elephant.
She actually was lost and didn’ know where to go. Besides, she was thirsty and exhausted. The miserable animal really needed help. So the drivers gave her water and food. After a while she gained strength and then was tranported to a near sanctuary in one of the trucks. The pitiful drivers saved the tiny animal and gave her a second chance to live.
The nice elephant is still in the sanctuary as she is so little and fragile for releasing into the wild again. The professional staff is caring for her with great love and attention. She is in good hands now.
So due to the loving and compassionate people the little elephant was rescued and got a perfect life. Everone was delighted by their gentle act. They really deserved all the sweet and appreciative words.