Baby elephant is always following the woman who saved her life

Baby elephant is always following the woman who saved her life

 Baby elephant is always following the woman who saved her life

The tiny elephant named Moyo was rescued from the drowning when passing the flooded river. She was deserted by her pack being in her very little age and appeared encircled by a group of hyenas when keepers guarded her.

Moyo was tranported to «Wild is life» sanctuary whose founder Roxy Danckwerts became her mother.

Now Moyo is 14 month old and she accompanies her human mother wherever she goes. She exactly decerns the woman’s voice, her smell and perfectly knows where she is at any time. She is growing bigger and it is hard for Roxi to control her raids.

They have such a strong and unique connection and feel great love and affection towards each other. Their friendship is special.

But despite it will be so difficult for the woman, she firmly decided to let her go back to wild as she thinks that freedom in forest is the best place for wild animal.

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