Augie is the oldest Golden Retriever in the world

Augie is the oldest Golden Retriever in the world

 Augie is the oldest Golden Retriever in the world

Here is an incredible Golden Retriever August who turned 20 years old lately. She celebrated her birthday with great emotions and fun with her parents and fluffy friends.

But it was special as this was a big event in history. August is the world’s oldest Golden Retriver. There had been the dogs who had turned 17 or 18 but Augie overpassed them. Despite her senior age she is healthy and feels great.

Augie’s life was full of challanges and difficulties but she finally found her forever home where she is respected and appreciated.

Her owners treat her carefully and lovingly. The dog adores them a lot and has created a strong connection with them.

Augie lives with huge joy and amusement with her caring masters. Her life is filled with not only some furry friends but also exciting trips and games which she really deserves.

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