Asian elephant and German shepherd make friends forever

Elephants are known to be extremely social creatures, living in herds and relying on these complex relationships for their survival and wellbeing.
Commonly life without herd is a death sentence, so when a baby elephant, suffering from poor health conditions and milk intolerance had to be left behind the herd so that the herd could carry on further, the future looked quite dark for her.
Luckily, elephant rescuers knew about the case and took Ellie to a refuge, where she has met a few friends that made her life change forever.
Duma, a German shepherd dog, who was formerly a police dog, became Ellie’s most trusted friend. Despite all their biological differences, these two were playing cheerfully together, running around the field and making true friends.
With this friendship, they’ve become inseparable pretty soon. Ellie’s behavior has changed dramatically, and she’s now very strong, knowing that she has a friend by her side.
It’s truly amazing to see two different creatures come together in a bond to uplift each other’s spirit. In this video you can see their play as well.
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