As a little kitten this cat looked perfectly normal, but later it suddenly erupted into a human face

Pets usually resemble their owners, but in most cases this is limited to character and habits. But in the case of this unique kitten, it went much further, because the 2-month-old cat looks as if a human face with increased hairiness was attached to her body. Her name is Valkyrie.
Many Internet users have noted that the face of the cat is incredibly similar to human face, and even suspected the owners of using Photoshop.
And if immediately after birth it was not too noticeable, after some time Valkyrie acquired a different face and clearly adopted the emotions of people. See for yourself!
At first Valkyrie looked like an ordinary kitten.
And weighed normally.
But, as the cat grew older, it became obvious that she looked a bit unusual.
A lot of users decided that Valkyrie looked exactly like a human.
And she doesn’t seem to be thrilled with the camera’s attention.
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Video of the cat was shared by his owner Tatyana Rastorgueva, owner of the Catsvill County cattery.
The Internet noted not only the cuteness of the kitten, but also his resemblance to the actor Ron Perlman.
And some people thought Valkyrie reminded Hermione Granger when she was under the influence of a reverse potion.
Of course, a cat with such a memorable appearance had no shortage of potential owners, so after Valkyrie turns 4 months old, she will please her new owners.
The Maine Coon breed is one of the most fashionable today. They are the largest domestic cats, the height of adult cats reaches 41 cm, and the overall length is up to 120 cm. The breed originated from the cats of Maine in the United States.