Animal rights activists cut off a whole carpet of wool from a shaggy monster. And underneath was a cute poodle

Animal rights activists cut off a whole carpet of wool from a shaggy monster. And underneath was a cute poodle

 Animal rights activists cut off a whole carpet of wool from a shaggy monster. And underneath was a cute poodle

This is a story in which nothing supernatural seems to happen, but it once again reminds us that we are responsible for those we have tamed, and how our smaller brothers need love and care. After all, even a terrible monster can turn into a cute dog with proper care.

5-year-old poodle Jaret was transferred to the animal protection organization Valley Animal Center, which is located in Fresno (California, USA). The past of the dog was unknown, but the appearance left much to be desired.

The workers were shocked to see him. Indeed, among this pile of tangled wool, you can’t even see a dog. One eye was completely covered with hair, and the pads of the paws were overgrown so that they could not touch the ground.

The dog almost could not move, but, he did not lose hope. Within an hour, the dog was taken to the clinic. Due to the large amount of fur, he had to be sedated with medication.

The transformation has benefited not only the appearance of Jaret, but also his inner state.

After 4 days, he is full of strength and energy, loves to walk on a leash, and instead of tangled dirty wool — a soft cozy jacket.

As soon as the dog is fully rehabilitated, those who wish will be able to take him to the family. All the best is ahead of him!

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