An unusual marriage! The woman of Former French President Francois Hollande is 17 years younger than him

An unusual marriage! The woman of Former French President Francois Hollande is 17 years younger than him

 An unusual marriage! The woman of Former French President Francois Hollande is 17 years younger than him

The 67-year-old former President of France has wedded with well-known actress Julie Gaye. The age difference between the couple is 17 years. For netizens it is evident that though the woman is 50 she looks young and well-cared and they complimented her with adorable words.

«Looks like 30!», «How beautiful and young she seems!», «Hollande has a great luck», » The woman kept wonderful!», «He is too old for the amazing woman» — these type of comments were written from many people.

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