An unusual cat, who looked like a werewolf, was rescued in Florida

Some time ago, a strange-looking creature appeared in a residential community in Florida, which climbed over garbage cans to search for remnants.
His fur was dirty, short and unkempt, like a rat, his body was very thin, and there was a black «mask» on his muzzle. Many locals considered this creature as a werewolf and so it was given such a nickname.
But actually, it was a stray cat with a rare genetic mutation. On the basis of it, about 10 years ago, a new breed of cats was raised in the United States, which is often called werewolf cat.
This homeless cat also suffered from inflammation of the ears and ingrown claws. His rescuer Chris Poole, named the cat Logan and took him to the vet where it turned out that the cat was about 8 years old and that he was very afraid of people. His ingrown clawed feet were very painful and he was afraid to move a lot. The vet trimmed his claws and treated them with an anti-infection remedy. His ears were also infected, they had to be wiped and then to be cleaned with ear drops. In addition to all this, the «werewolf» was infested with fleas and had inflamed eyes. He also had a mental disorder as he was scared of everything and didn’t let anyone touch him.
Only after some time Logan could relax, being in good hands. Now Logan is in a temporary family and is gradually recovering physically and mentally. He lives in a warm house and felt better and calm.
After Logan finally recovers, he will be ready for adoption and will be looking for a forever family.