An amazing moment of an unusual customer entering the shop

During the Christmas days everyone is busy decorating their houses and mainly buying everything needed. So it is common that on that days all the shops are full of people. But what about extraordinary customers? What would you do when you see a deer in your shop wanting to buy something?
Such a funny and somehow scaring case happened to Lori Jones who worked in a shop where gifts and other supplies are sold. She was working as usual when suddenly unexpected guest enetered and came closer to the shelves. The curious doe was focused on the sunglasses and the chips. It was so amusing and somehow shocking for the woman who didn’t expect such a «break-in».
It is a common sight in that are in colorado to meet different animals in the streets, such as deer, raccoons, mountain lions and others. But they had never enetered a building. So this visit of a sweet creature was something strange for Lori. Thinking that the animal might have lost her way she decided to take her out luring her with a peanut bar.
But the woman was a little bit wrong. After 30 minutes the stubborn creature returned, but this time she was not alone. She brought her whole family with her. And do you imagine the reaction of Lori? She was literally amazed. It was really hillarious and shocking for her to see the deer family at the door looking around the shop. They were attentively watching her as if asking: «Can we buy something from your shop?»
The woman became not so happy to welcome them all as it could be dangerous for her. So she enticed them with another peanut bar to take them out to the near field. It was a really magical event for the woman to meet the deer family. She will never forget this amazing and lovely day.