After rescue, dog stuck on highway gave rescuer biggest hug

Evie and Leslie Benson were on their way home when they spotted a little dog. It was quite petrified with terror, stood in the path of an approaching 18-wheeler truck.
They closed their eyes, terrified that they were going to see this puppy get hit by a car. Happily, the dog got out of the way in time.
Benson realized what she needed to accomplish.
He was dirty and very skinny, but despite his condition, the puppy’s tail wouldn’t stop wagging.
«It broke my heart to think of what this dog had been through, how scared and lonely he was,» Benson says. «The car ride was easy. Finally he fell asleep in my arms, and that’s when I started crying. »
They took the dog to a shelter, and there he was quickly adopted.
The next day, Benson returned to check on the puppy. She wasn’t sure if the puppy would remember her, but as soon as she showed up, he immediately rushed into her arms.
Benson stated: «We were sitting in the room with him, and at that moment we were overwhelmed with emotion.» «My mom and I both started crying … He curled up in my lap when I moved to the floor with him and looked happy. He even lay down on top of me and hugged me.»
Benson soon gave the dog the perfect name and began calling him Wags since he never wagged his tail.
Benson remarked, «It’s killing my heart because I can’t adopt him.»
Although she’s leaving for college in the fall and won’t be able to adopt him, she knows Wags will find his family quickly.