Affecting moment! Wild horse saved the life of the young filly

Affecting moment! Wild horse saved the life of the young filly

 Affecting moment! Wild horse saved the life of the young filly

Maybe you have already learned that horses are one of the clever and sensitive animals. They are devoted and caring animals especially for their family members. They are ready to risk their lives to help the one who is in danger.

In such a way a wild stallion rescued the life of the young and unskilled foal crossing the river.

There are a few families of mustangs in Arizona forests. And the volunteer of  Park Service Becky Standridge captured one of the large families there with the dominant stallion — the famous Champ. They were trying to cross the Salt River.

The day was calm and sunny. And the serene air was disturbed by a noisy scream. It was horrible and worrying. It turned out that an inexperienced and young filly wanted to cross the river but she couldn’t. So she was drowning in the center of the river.

Fortunately, the fearless Champ was there to protect her. Noticing that the young foal was struggling for her life he instantly went back and dragged her out to the surface. He generously guided her to the right direction and saved her life.

These heartwarming scenes were caught by the volunteer. The view is really remarkable.

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