A zebra cub comforts an orphaned rhinoceros cub
These two certainly would never have met in the wild.
They become unexpected friends in the shelter and help each other recover.
In early December, the rhino was found alone in a national park. The baby was incredibly weak, so rescuers took him by helicopter to the sanctuary’s intensive care unit. She needed round-the-clock care and nutrition, as well as other treatments to strengthen her immune system and maintain her body temperature.
However, she was not the only newborn animal in the hospital.
«The zebra was taken to the sanctuary in late November after being found in an immovable reserve, with heavy rain and storms that made it difficult for her to breathe.» «She was only a week old at the time.»
The two young orphans quickly became friends and adopted each other as their adopted family. «Rhinos are very simple creatures that require constant companionship.»They are more like sisters after a month together. They always follow each other.
«They hug together at night», which ensures comfort and safety. They are inseparable.
One day they will be able to run freely and meet other rhinos and zebras. But for now, they only need one another, proving that the family you choose is the one that matters.