A sweet moment of mother leopard helping her baby to cross the road

It is really not a pleasurable scene when you appear in a road blockage especially when you hurry. And while we get in traffic jams by just huge gatherings of many cars or some accidents, in Southern Africa it is caused by wild animals who want to cross the road and so this confusion happens in th result.
All drivers and residents can meet different creatures like tigers, lions, leopards or rhinos near the hightways especially in the Park Area. And such a wonderful and lovely case happened to a family who wanted to foud themselves in the middle of the road waiting for the unusual passengers to cross it.
It was mother leopard with her two tiny cubs who were following their mom by little steps. Mother first observed the place and then carefuly went with her adorable babies. One of them got confused at that time and stopped in the middle of the road being tired and bewildered.
So the caring mom returned to her swee cub who was left behind and helped her to pass the street. It seemed she was saying something supporting into her ear and encouraging her to follow her. The moment was so warming and touching! So the leopard family reached the other side of the way safely. The family had a great chance to witness such magnificent moment and take incredible pics. It was really admirable and lovely scene!