A sweet doggy spent nine years trying to find home

Not having a family is though not only for humans but also for animals. For some of them, it may take not only months to find a loving home but years. Janice was one of the dogs like that. She is nine years old, and she has spent the major part of her life at Columbiana County Dog Pound. The workers at the shelter tried their best to find a family for him, but they failed miserably until recently.
«We were so hoping this girl would have been in a home by now,» the shelter wrote earlier this month.
In their Facebook posts, the shelter workers wrote that Janice is their longest resident and that her heart breaks each time visitors come and don’t take her with them when they leave. «Time after time, she has watched her fellow pound dogs be adopted, yet she is passed over every time for one reason or another.»
Soon enough, she wasn’t a happy, bouncy dog people would want to adopt and take home. She also had problems with getting along with cats.
Shelter workers were also heartbroken. How come they couldn’t see her beautiful face and just walk past it?
But eventually, Janice managed to get her happy ending as well. She has a loving family now, and she enjoys every second with them.