A sad story with a happy ending. A cat walked 12 miles to get home ehre no one was waiting for him

Toby, a red-and-white cat, traveled 12 miles (19 km) to return home, but his heart was broken.
Toby, a 7-year-old cat, was suddenly boring his owners and they gave him away to another family who lived 12 miles away from their home. Toby didn’t like it at the new place and after a couple of weeks he decided to come home.
But when Toby showed up on the doorstep of his old home, his former owners called the city’s shelter staff to take the cat in and… put to sleep.
However, Toby got lucky. The shelter worker who performed the euthanasia had a shaky hand and did not dare to put to sleep a healthy and strong animal. The employee contacted the SPCA (Humane Society of North Carolina) and asked them to find Toby a new home.
«Of course we said yes when we heard Toby’s story,» says an SPCA society volunteer.
Toby the cat was completely healthy, except that he was found to have feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). Even with this diagnosis, he could live a long and fairly carefree life in his new home.
Toby is a very gentle and affectionate cat. All he needs is affection and love. According to the shelter workers, Toby found a common language with all the inhabitants, with whom he could communicate and loved to play with toys.
In order to find Toby a new home, the shelter posted on social media his sad story of how he walked 12 miles to his owners, who then put him up for adoption.
And so last Friday, a new owner came for Toby. Toby will now live in a home with two people and another cat.