A resident of Holland showed the world her horse with a strikingly long mane, and it’s like a fairy tale!

These two don’t need any prince: there’s already a princess and a horse, or rather a horse named Storm. And, oh, my God, how gorgeous she is! Her 24-year-old owner, Naomi Becker, is gorgeous, too, of course, but look at that mane! Storm’s breed is a haflinger, and they are small in stature and have a very, VERY pretty head. Their mane is usually curly while they are young, but then straightens out. Storm, on the other hand, is in her prime and her curls (a meter long) make those around her grip their hearts with delight!
This is Naomi Becker from Eindhoven in the Netherlands. And she is sitting on an incredible beauty.
This beauty’s name is Storm and she is a Haflinger horse.
And the beauty of her mane makes you shiver.
Just look at those curls!
The horse, of course, has been compared over 50 times to Rapunzel (this is an unverified fact).
But can any fictional lady compare to this magnificence?
Storm’s mane is over a meter long. It took six years to grow it and keep it tidy.
These beauties have already become the heroes of all kinds of photoshoots.
And this is obvious, because you can admire them endlessly!