A photographer captured a chimpanzee performing CPR

Photographer William Steele has witnessed a genuinely unusual sight- a chimpanzee performing CPR on the other one. The artist has spent a considerable amount of time capturing nature, but this sight was truly unique for him. The scene occurred in Botswana, where Steele was taking shots in Gaborone Nature Reserve.
A female primate, out of nowhere, fell from a branch of a tree and passed out. She wasn’t showing any signs of consciousness. Immediately her cousin rushed to help her. He started performing what appeared to be CPR. William didn’t miss the opportunity to get good shots of the occurrence. The photos captured how her cousin was squeezing her chest whit his claws.
Afterward, he started blowing air into her mouth while holding her head in his paws. For the artist and all of us, it is amazing what is taking place. The occurrence made William realize that monkeys are able to form close relationships with each other due to caring for each other. Photographer says that he has also seen monkeys washing each other’s wounds in Botswana quite often. But this occasion was a pioneer one.
«These are incredible and really unusual photos,» the photographer adds.
Not only chimpanzees but gorillas as well have a sense of nepotism, which was also captured by photographers recently.