A married couple rescues orphan bears and nurses them as their own children

Spouses Susan and Jim created a center on their own, where they rescue and nurture bear cubs that were left without a mother. Here they appear for various reasons, and each is accepted here as a child.
Some are released back into a free life, while others remain in the center forever. It depends on what reasons they are brought here.
The Orphaned Wildlife Center has been officially operating for 5 years, but even before that, Susan and Jim had been involved in animal rescue and rehabilitation for 15 years.
At the moment, about 11 bears of different species live on the territory of the center, which no longer want to leave it. All the care work is done by the spouses themselves, only one employee handles the paperwork.
The man could establish contact with all the bears that came to him. He treats them as his children, because with his own hands he fed everyone from a bottle, when they were still quite cubs.
Jim can freely come up and hug any bear, play with him and caress his head.