A loving mother leopard teaches one of her perplexed cubs how to cross the road in South Africa

There are exciting events happening every day in Africa’s national park. A young girl was able to film on her phone a leopard crossing the road with her cubs. It is worth noting that this is a very rare video. Although it is believed that many leopards live in the Kruger Park, it is not at all common to see them. These animals are cautious, hunting in the evening or at night when visitors have mostly left the park. Their prey is warthogs, antelope, baboons, wild hares, and any small animals. Leopards, unlike other cats, are excellent swimmers and enjoy eating reptiles, crabs and caught fish.
First the female checks the safety of the road and only then calls the kittens. In the middle of the difficult journey, a little cub panicked and refused to go, but his mother «persuaded» him. All the cars stand and the tourists watch the cute and amazing event.
Female leopards give birth to 2-3 cubs, they are caring parents and live with them for about two years. During this time, they train them to hunt. It’s not that easy, a cat weighs only sixty kilograms, and they hunt for prey three times their size, and even manage to drag it into a tree to save it from others wanting to dine on the caught catch. And there are many who want to eat it! Hyenas and even lions are always ready to steal someone else’s dinner. After two years, the grown children leave to live alone. Each leopard has its own territory, they mark it and warn other leopards with a loud scream.
As we have already said, it is very rare to see a leopard, and even more so to see a mother with cubs, and even more so to see such small ones. Apparently a strong need drove this family from the area. Maybe another leopard strayed into the territory and chased the family away, or maybe there was not enough food, or the watering place was too far away.
First the female leopard checks the safety of the road and only then calls her kittens. In the middle of the difficult journey one little guy panicked and refused to go, but his mother «persuaded» him. All the cars stand and the tourists watch the cute and amazing event.
Female leopards give birth to 2-3 cubs, they are caring parents and live with them for about two years. During this time, they train them to hunt. It’s not that easy, a cat weighs only sixty kilograms, and they hunt for prey three times their size, and even manage to drag it into a tree to save it from others wanting to dine on the caught catch. And there are many who want to eat it! Hyenas and even lions are always ready to steal someone else’s dinner. After two years, the grown children leave to live alone. Each leopard has its own territory, they mark it and warn other leopards with a loud scream.
Leopards have long been a symbol of bravery, fierceness, and belligerence. Now many subspecies of this animal are in an endangered state, but this does not apply to the leopards of Kruger Park. People do not interfere with the natural existence of the animals, so there is plenty of prey for them here. Although their life is not easy, it is the best thing that can happen to them compared to living in a zoo or in a human-run territory.