A life-changing surgery gives a second chance to an abandoned dog missing part of face

It is not a surprise, that people prefer cute dogs… all dogs are have flawless souls, and those who look a bit unusual deserve to be loved, too. But potential owners generally avoid “ugly” dogs and shelter workers have to motivate them to pay deep attention to the soul of these animals.
One dog’s disfigurement was due to his family to abandon him, but a group of rescuers gave him a second chance to be loved.
In 2015, animal control officers in Huntsville, Texas took Bjarni, a dog who had a very impressive muzzle.
The dog had lost part of his lips, as well as half of his nose. His teeth were bent and seemed like he had been severely attacked by another animal. He had troubles eating and breathing. Heartbreakingly, his former owners didn’t wish to keep him anymore, and simply left him for dead.
Bjarni was taken to the sanctuary… but thankfully, some rescuers appeared to give the homeless dog the love he deserved.
The founder of Texas animal rescue group St. Francis’ Angels, Anne Graber, heard about Bjarni and decided to give him shelter until he was healthy again and adopted by a new loving family
In spite of the dog’s physical shortcomings, Bjarni still had a mischievious energy.
He was unaware of his malformation and, moreover, won over the most bossy of dogs at the shelter.
Graber searched and found Jason Balara, a vet who was ready to operate Bjarni’s nose.
So St. Francis’ Angels raised money through their Facebook page. And donors gave $5,100 for the surgery.
The surgery included restoring Bjarni’s face and realigning his nose with his sinus cavities. The procedure helped the dog to breathe and eat without struggle.
And it was a huge victory: Bjarni now was looking like a completely different dog, and in 2016 found a loving home.
She was glad to lend a helping hand to Bjani. She is sure animals have a set course to teach us both humanity and compassion.