A heartwarming scene of the sweet puppy getting joyful to see his beloved one again

There are different stories about animals proving that they have feelings and nice emotions as humans. As it could be somehow unbelievable, they can really create strong relationships and be devoted to their loving ones.
Here is a touching story about a little puppy who had a great friendship with a cow. And the owners were amazed seeing his tears when they were reunited after some time of being separated.
The adorable dog Rockie was living with his wonderful companion, a cow with whom they had created a strong bond. They were spending the whole time together. Rockie even was sleeping in the cow’s enclosure. The sweet animal was like a mom for Rockie. He got all the love and care from her and respond her the same way.
Unfortunately, the owners decided to sell the cow. And here they saw all the grief and sorrow Rockie was feeling. He was literally devastated. He was running after a car where his beloved one was taken. The active and enegetic dog lost all his enthusiasm and liveliness. He refused to eat or drink and became depressed and sad.
The masters were shocked to see him suffering in that way. So they couldn’t stand indifferent and decided to make him happy. Soon they took the cow back. And imagine the emotions of the sweet dog. Rockie was thrilled. He never expected to see his caring mom again. But now he was overjoyed and couldn’t help his tears. It was really an emotional and heartwarming scene.
Two souls were reunited and nothing can separate them again!