A grieving cat has been visiting his owner’s grave every day for a year now and refuses to leave

We all know how loyal our pets can be. Dogs are especially known for their boundless loyalty, the world is full of stories of dogs who have remained loyal to their owners to the end.
But what about cats? Dogs are known to be man’s best friend, but cats tend to be considered more distant and careless.
But this story shows that cats can love their owners and even grieve for them forever.
One man always saw this cat, which returned to the same place every day, lying on the ground.
Unfortunately, the cat was visiting the grave of its former owner, a dead old woman.
«Because cat’s mother is no more, it stayed here by the grave.» «It does not want to go home.»
The cat visited the grave every day for more than a year. The man tried to adopt the cat, and the others gave him food and water. But the cat refuses to go with someone else, he just wants to stay with his old owner.
The cat is still being cared for by the old woman’s children, but the cat insists on leaving to visit the grave.
«He sleeps there.»
«It is very sad to see. It shows how close the animals are to their owners. ”