A girl from Russia rescued two lynxes from a fur farm and gave them a new life with dogs and horses

A girl from Russia rescued two lynxes from a fur farm and gave them a new life with dogs and horses

 A girl from Russia rescued two lynxes from a fur farm and gave them a new life with dogs and horses

Anastasia Poznyak, a resident of St. Petersburg, saved two lynx cubs from the terrible “fur industry” and sheltered them. Anastasia and other employees of a small kennel called «Lynx and Seven Khasyats» have 8 dogs, three horses and Geralt and Bun — two real lynxes.

In 2018, when the kitten Geralt appeared in her house, Anastasia was already living with a large number of dogs.

She was worried about how her dogs would accept little Geralt.

But Geralt grew up in a cheerful company and felt great among dogs.

He became a real handsome man.

Then in 2019, Bun appeared in the life of a large family of people and animals.

Most comfortable and contented was,of course, Geralt.

It was good with dogs, but with a kindred spirit — even better!

Some reacted not very adequately and began to threaten, because of which the company had to change their place of residence.

So far for an apartment, but now a country house is being built for the whole family.

Look at this beauty! kittens have raised.

Photos of Geralt, Bun and other dogs are endless charm!

Anastasia hopes that in the future she will save another baby lynx. Or maybe not one.

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