A dog waits for faithfully for his owner’s arrival becoming new Hachiko

There are a lot of stories that could compete to be called «Modern day Hachiko.» But this one is extraordinary. His name isn’t Hachiko, but actually, a very cute one. Bon-Bon his story didn’t happen somewhere in New York but in Thailand.
The dog was like a living statue. He wasn’t moving from his spot. Besides that, his condition wasn’t the best one as well. He was sick, and he lacked good care. The only way that the woman managed to move him was by forcefully picking him up as he refused to leave the road.
He got well eventually. Bon-Bon gained weight, and his fur recovered the shine it had lost once. But the dog left his savior’s house in spite of that.
He went back to the place where he had lost the truck to his owner, hoping that he would reunite with him again.
Citizens were melted by his story, and they shared it on their Facebook page with a picture.
A miracle took place. His last owners managed to identify him from the pics.