A dog named Finley delights people with his hair, and his photos are worth publishing on Vogue

A dog named Finley delights people with his hair, and his photos are worth publishing on Vogue

 A dog named Finley delights people with his hair, and his photos are  worth publishing on Vogue

The beautiful chestnut curly hair of a Springer Spaniel named Finley can not help but cause envy even in people. If there was a canine Vogue or Glamor in the world, this guy would definitely appear on one of the first covers. The dog’s hair is so impressive that he has been compared to John Lennon and Brian May.

«Finn is the creator of hair envy»

This is how his owner, Rebecca, writes about a three-year-old springer spaniel

The two of them are united by one unusual feature.

But in the case of Finley, nature itself acted as a stylist.

Finley now has his own Instagram

It has more than 12 thousand subscribers

Dog shares the page with his friend named Bimo

Here they are all together: Finley, Bimo and Rebecca

As more people became aware of Finley, his style was considered to be alike with British rock phenomenons.

With John Lennon

And Brian May

But most importantly, Finley is a real good boy. He is cheerful, well-mannered and friendly

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