A dog left with garbage on the road finds home

Among the old furniture and daily garbage, was a dog huddled into a ball, frightened and trembling from fear. He did not yet realize that he’d also been thrown away along with the garbage, on the road.
Animal Control Officer Sharon Norton was called about the case and told that a small pet was abandoned next to a road in Lincoln County, Mississippi. She immediately went to the address, and found a small dog sitting on an old armchair next to the dumped TV set.
The poor guy was starving, but refused to eat, naively thinking that the owner who left him there would come back for him.
Sharon assumed the dog was abandoned for at least a week as he was extremely skinny and malnourished. She came closer to the dog, saying that she had come to help. It took a while until the dog allowed Sharon to pet him and ate a few bites of food.
When Sharon picked him and carried to the truck, he was wagging his tail. He probably felt that now all the bad things are behind him.
Due to Sharon’s efforts, the pet was given the necessary vaccinations and settled in a shelter pretty soon. He will stay in the shelter for a while and then go to a new home.
Unfortunately, owners often abandon dogs. And this case is not the worst thing Sharon has ever seen. She spreads information about abandoned dogs on social networks, hoping that someone will look at the photos of the animals and recognize them, find their owner or adopt them.
The doggy was lucky to meet Sharon — he is now safe and his life will certainly change for the better!