A dog helped rescue a baby dolphin stranded on the shore

Rich Wilcock and his springer spaniel, Leah, went on a fishing trip to the seashore. At first he was going to take some pictures, but the dog suddenly began to behave anxiously. His behavior was clearly an invitation to go and see something out of the ordinary.
Leah found a baby dolphin on the beach. The baby dolphin was very weak and could barely breathe. At first Rich took it for a shark, but when he looked more closely, he saw a nostril on its head. Sharks don’t have nostrils, dolphins have them connected together and look like a hole in the top of the skull.
The coast where they found the dolphin was deserted. Rich could not hope for help, he had to save the helpless mammal himself. It was noticeable that the baby was already quite dehydrated.
The baby dolphin wasn’t very heavy, about 8-10 kilograms. But when Rich wrapped his arms around his belly and tried to lift him, he almost held him up. His hands slid over the smooth and wet skin. After several attempts, the man still carried it to the edge of the waves and submerged it in the water. However, the dolphin seemed no longer able to move.
After a while, to Rich’s delight, the pup moved its tail, and then some more. The movements became stronger and more confident, the cub came alive in its native element. And soon it swam.
The incoming wave threw the dolphin back onto the shore rocks.
Rich dragged him to the water again. This time he took the dolphin far away from the shore in order to prevent the next big wave from throwing it back.
This time the dolphin finally managed to make it out of the near-shore surf zone. Rich saw a fin flickering among the waves in the distance from the shore. Will the little guy be able to find his pack and survive? After all, it was unclear how much time he had spent on shore.
The man felt responsible for saving the life of the little mammal, so he and Leah spent about an hour on the shore, watching whether the sea would throw the calf back to shore. Rich wanted to make sure the baby dolphin was safe.
Rich, who is very familiar with the sea, is sure that the baby dolphin was not sick. The reason it was on the shore, he cites unfavorable weather conditions. Strong winds and stormy waves threw out the cub, which approached the shore carelessly and could not cope with the waves.