A cat woke up its owners and saved them from carbon monoxide poisoning

In Florida, a cat saved its owners’ lives by warning the couple that the house was filling with carbon monoxide.
Carbon monoxide is a very toxic substance that is tasteless and odorless. It is caused by combustion and is also found in car exhaust.
Married couple Paul and Leona Jones are from Deltona, Florida. One day were driving home after a trip to the supermarket, but when they put their car in the garage, they forgot to turn off the engine. Carbon monoxide from the car first filled the entire garage, then entered the house through the vents and began to spread into the rooms.
The couple had already gone to bed and if it hadn’t been for a cat named Bella, they wouldn’t have woken up the next morning.
Bella started to get nervous and meow very loudly, and then she ran into the couple’s bedroom and continued to make loud noises. These sounds made Paul wake up and when he sensed something was wrong, he immediately woke up Leona.
The woman struggled to wake up, she was already weak from gas poisoning. As it turned out, the car with the engine running had been parked in the garage for at least eight hours.
«I just didn’t notice that the engine was on and so I didn’t press the right button,» Paul says.
Paul immediately began calling 911, and when firefighters arrived, they discovered the source of the carbon monoxide in the garage and then took both spouses to the hospital.
According to firefighters, by the time they arrived, the man was in very poor condition.
«Paul was close to death. I was very weak, but Paul had it worse, he almost died,» Leona says.
The Jones couple still suffers from muscle weakness and absent-mindedness, but otherwise they are doing fine. They thank their cat for saving their lives, and they’ve also placed a large notice in their garage about checking to make sure the car engine is off.
As for the cat itself, it was not harmed by the gas.