A battered, earless stray cat was finally cared for and turned into an affectionate gentleman

Isabelle, a resident of Montreal, once noticed this large stray cat near her home. The white-haired cat had no ears and his appearance was alarming; he obviously needed treatment. Isabelle contacted the Canadian cat rescue group Chatons Orphelins Montréal for help.
«Isabelle cought him and contact us. Of course we couldn’t refuse her help. Then we found out on local social media that this cat had been seen in the area more than once. For at least seven years he had lived on the street, including during the harsh, frosty winters. He never had an owner.» — Volunteer Selina Krom tells.
During one of the harsh winters the cat lost both his ears, first part of his ears fell off from frostbite, and then the remaining part suffered from a severe infection.
An examination by the vet also showed that the cat was covered in fleas and also scarred from fights with other cats or dogs. He also tested positive for FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) and had bad teeth, which caused the cat to experience pain when eating.
The vet removed some of the bad teeth and the cat immediately felt better.
The cat was given the nickname Hansik and had apparently lost a lot of his feline life supply while living on the street. Because of the immunodeficiency virus, he was very slow to recover and it took a full three months before Hansik finally started looking healthy and behaving appropriately.
«Until three months ago he was living on the street sick and ungroomed. now his wounds have completely healed and he is trusting people again and responding to affection. In the first days he was so afraid that he wanted to hide from everyone, hiding in a corner of the cage.
Very, very slowly he came out of his «shell» and got used to the touch of a human hand, and then he began to climb onto our laps. Now he likes to follow us on our heels and watch what we do.
Hansik was so «domesticated» that he cuddled and climbed into bed with the person in the foster home to sleep with them. He became very affectionate and affectionate.