A battered cat finally gets an owner after 6 years on the street

A shabby red-haired cat, who looked about 6 years old and had probably spent all those years on the street, was captured and placed in the Minnesota Humane Society shelter in early summer 2019.
The cat looked like he had survived fights with a dozen cats and dogs, his body was covered in scars, one ear hung like a rag and he had nearly lost an eye.
At the same time he was diagnosed with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV).
At the same time, the cat was not at all feral and did not shun people. On the contrary, he was very affectionate and began purring immediately when someone stroked him.
The cat was given the nickname Bruce Willis and they began to look for an owner for him. Everyone who came to the shelter to choose a cat met Bruce with purring and love, but alas, people generally took either kittens or prettier cats. There was no way Bruce was going to get the right chance.
However, on August 8, everything changed. That’s when a woman named Sandra came to the shelter’s Facebook page and when she started looking through pictures of cats looking for owners, her eyes immediately stumbled upon a picture of Bruce.
«And I was just struck to the heart.»
A couple of days later, Sandra came to the shelter and asked to see the shabby red cat with the very sad eyes. She really liked Bruce, but Sandra was still not ready to get a pet on a permanent basis. In addition, the landlord of the house where she rented an apartment had set a «no cats or dogs» rule.
So Sandra returned home from the shelter without Bruce, but with the hope that someone would take him soon.
Sandra went to the shelter more than once to talk to the cat, but a month went by and Bruce still didn’t have an owner. And it tore at Sandra’s heart.
That’s when she finally made up her mind. She sent the landlord pictures of the cat, asking for permission to keep him as an exception. And the landlord couldn’t stand it and allowed it!
«He said, ‘How can you tell No to those eyes,’ and signed the paper.»
Soon Bruce was in Sandra’s house and immediately started acting like he had lived here for a long time. He stretched out on the floor and purred when the woman started stroking him.
«He purred the whole first night. And from that day on, he’s been following me everywhere I go.»
No longer does Bruce have to fight for food, he has his warm home, lots of toys and a loving owner ready to pet and caress him all the time.