62-year-old Madonna has completely changed her image. She is unrecognizable in her new pictures

62-year-old Madonna has completely changed her image. She is unrecognizable in her new pictures

 62-year-old Madonna has completely changed her image. She is unrecognizable in her new pictures

Popular singer Madonna has always loved to impress fans with her unusual images. Throughout her career, the star has repeatedly experimented with her appearance by changing haircuts and hair color. And now, at 62, she decided to be creative again appear in a new image.

More recently, new photos and videos appeared on her personal Instagram page, where the singer appeared in a completely new look. Madonna cut off her long hair and dyed it from blonde to pink.

Fans were delighted in her new style. They admired the changes in the appearance of their idol and wrote different comments: “Everyone loves Madonna!”, “You are beautiful in any form!”, “How bold!”, “Hair is fire! Beauty!”, “Amazing woman!”, “I didn’t immediately recognize you».

And what about you? Do you like such an extraordinary look of the impressive star?

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