Some celebrities who have lost their attractiveness and charm for the public

Some celebrities who have lost their attractiveness and charm for the public

 Some celebrities who have lost their attractiveness and charm for the public

Celebrities and public figures are considered to be idols and praiseworthy examples for the whole world. They are constantly in the center of attention, discussed, imitated, admired or not criticized.

Fans often forget that their beloved celebrities are just ordinary people who have worked hard to achieve success.

They can be also lazy, not always can have a wish to monitor their behavior and appearance, try to eat junk food and skip the gym.

Here is a collection of pics of well-known personalities who have lost their appeal to fans. Someone got lazy, someone lost their health, someone sacrificed their appearance and career for the sake of motherhood, and there are those who were ruined by bad habits.

Brendan Fraser

Mickey Rourke

Mariah Carey

Kathleen Turner

Matthew Perry

Haley Joel Osment

Amanda Bynes

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