«Una volta una celebrità dei film anni ’90, ora nessuno la riconosce»: chi è la donna nella foto?
This cute stray dog is a «regular customer» of the restaurant
The sweet stray dog can always be noticed in entrance of a chain restaurant in New Mexico. She comes and patiently waits untill some of the workers gives her food. The «regular customer» of the restaurant, whom the staff called Sally, has never missed a day of visiting them and asking something to eat.
The kind man Kxuko, who works there, recently posted a video showing the daily life of Sally. It is interesting that she also visits other shops when the team brings her meal a little bit late. She wanders and finds what she needs. But she never stops coming to her favorite place. She was loved by the staff and they do their best to please her.
It is noticable that Sally is always clean as everyone in the area looks after her. A woman working in a flower shop frequently gives her a bath. The sweet dog also has 4 babies. And when rescuers try to take her she always finds a way to return her place. It is assumed that she has a permanent spase to live with her puppies.
Sally has become a respected member of the community there and everyone cares for her and feeds her with great love and devotion. She responds them with such a respect and affection.