Woman saves orphaned baby rabbit who doubles in weight every day

Woman saves orphaned baby rabbit who doubles in weight every day

 Woman saves orphaned baby rabbit who doubles in weight every day

Mandy Dooley lately saved an orphaned baby rabbit whose burrow had been ravaged by a cat. The lovely animal was just cowering in a corner. Since it didn’t have a mother, the rescuer realized that she had to be its parent.

She had rescued rabbits before. But she had never had a rabbit that licked her face like it was in love with her. Once she got home and housed the rabbit, she started trying to get it to eat.

Its weight was barely enough to register. After the rabbit began to be fed the right amount of nutritious milk, his weight doubled every day. The baby was getting bigger and stronger.

Once Mandy and her husband saw that the rabbit had gotten strong enough, she made her own little clearing for him. It was made especially for him out of a children’s play pool. Then the rescuers began adding small obstacles.

By the third week of Mandy’s stay, the rabbit could already really exercise and stretch his big strong paws. Once the rabbit was healthy and bulky, she began feeding him greens. Soon he was jumping very high and running fast.

Mandy realized it was time to return the wild rabbit to its natural habitat. The rescuer’s husband even built a cage in order to help the animal move from his home to the outside world, and then released him into the wild.

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