Some prominent stars who prefer natural beauty and refuse to use plastic surgeries

Nowdays, making plastic surgeries is so common in the whole world. The latest medical technologies have stepped far ahead, so the most of the worldwide celebrities have started using them both the young and the older generation. However, not all Hollywood representatives like the possibilities of plastic surgery to stay young and follow beauty standards. Many of them believe that wrinkles give them a special charm and uniqueness. Natural beauty at any age is the advanatage for some famous Hollywood stars.
Sharon Stone
Hollywood actress Sharon Stone is 63 years old. She is not ashamed of her age and has never turned to the services of plastic surgeons. She does not seek to preserve the image of a 20-year-old girl with the help of miraculous technologies. She only keeps her good shape with regular exercise, proper nutrition and cosmetic skin care procedures. Sharon believes that getting old is not at all scary and you can afford some wrinkles, because they give sensuality and sexuality. But to remake yourself with plastic surgery for no particular reason is not normal.
Meryl Streep
Meryl Streep is one of those stars who can boast that she is not afraid of old age. The Hollywood actress is skeptical about plastic surgery and does accept the use of plastic surgery. However, not everyone knows that Meryl in her school years was very unhappy with her appearance and was critical of herself. But soon she did not want to think about her own ugliness and decided to be herself. It made her life easier. Despite Streep’s advanced age, she continues to receive offers for cooperation. But this does not inspire the actress to turn to plastic surgeons. She continues to be of the opinion that age has its natural charm.
Jodie Foster
Jodie Foster is considered one of the smartest Hollywood actress. Therefore, it is not surprising that she refuses the use of plastic surgery for herself, but she is sure that this is the individual choice of each person. The actress looks great for her age. She keeps fit with proper and healthy nutrition, regular exercise. And she thinks it really works. Foster prefers to talk about herself as a person, but not about her appearance. She accepts herself even with the wrinkles that she has. And he doesn’t want to change anything.
Julia Roberts
One of the popular stars of the world Julia Roberts, just like many years ago, is not shy about her natural appearance. She believes that the face should talk about a woman, and not about her constant trips to the surgeon. To keep herself in perfect shape, the star willingly goes in for sports and regularly visits a beautician.