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6 amazing actresses who are proud of their natural beauty
It is beleived that show business and cosmetic surgery walk together. There are many celebrities who follow a set of beauty standards that are far from reality. And often, in order to correspond them, they feel the need to have plastic surgeries. However, there are other celebrities who accept themselves for who they are. They appreciate their natural beauty and enjoy it.
Julia Roberts
She has one of the most charming smiles in Hollywood and is one of those celebrities who prefer to stay away from plastic surgery. «I want my kids to know when I’m angry, when I’m happy and when I’m confused. Your face tells everything, and it doesn’t have to be about your trip to the doctor’s office,» says the actress.
Tina Fey
Actress and writer Tina Fey says she enjoys changing her looks as she ages. She still admits that she is a bit embarrassed by the tendency to get rid of all the signs of aging. She also says that she prefers not to use Botox as a magical help but tries to just keep herself in good shape.
Amanda Peet
The beautiful actress stated that her daughters are one of the main reasons why she never had plastic surgery. She adds that wrinkles will appear on all of us, so we should embrace them rather than trying to hide. This, of course, does not mean that Pete is not trying to improve himself. She still resorts to teeth whitening procedures, hair coloring and anti-aging creams.
Diane Keaton
Though the amazing star has a strong position against surgery, it does not mean that she neglects her appearance. On the contrary, it proves that her beauty secrets of exercising and and living healthy work very well.
Winona Ryder
Winona Ryder is another example of a personality who is comfortable in her body, regardless of age, and who is not going to get plastic surgery. She prefers to stay away from surgery because, in her own words, she enjoys getting older and has waited a long time to look older.
Jennifer Aniston
Aniston states that she doesn’t use any facial injections because there are other things women can do to look young and beautiful such as moisturizing, facial massage, and creams. In addition, the actress believes that fashion should expand its beauty standards to include people of all ages, not just the perfect women in their early 20s.