The sweet dog got thrilled about the fact that he could raise baby kittens

The sweet dog got thrilled about the fact that he could raise baby kittens

 The sweet dog got thrilled about the fact that he could raise baby kittens

The huge Pitbull named Ozi was adopted by a family from Southern California. And he was suffering silently there from the fact that he had no ome to care of. Ozi had great feelings of responsibility and he wanted not only to be a servant or a protector but also a babysitter.

And he was living in the family where no one needed any care and attention. The children were not interested in him and so he felt lonely and sorrowful. There is also a cat to play with but Ozi’s love just irritates her. So the poor dog was looking for a one to love and care of.

But very accidently, Ozi’s dream came true. A stray cat appeared in the street near their house and later she gave birth to little kittens which was really wonderful for the good-natured dog. Mother cat was glad to have such a guardian by her side as Ozi. The generous boy look after the babies with great affection and warmth. He loved them and followed them in everywhere. And he himself got calm and contented. He gained all he wished for.

It was really amazing to see how the lovely Pitbull adored his relatives and how he cared for them.

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