A boy and his cow conquered the Internet by losing at a dairy fair and falling asleep together

A boy and his cow conquered the Internet by losing at a dairy fair and falling asleep together

 A boy and his cow conquered the Internet by losing at a dairy fair and falling asleep together

Mitchell is a boy who recently participated in a dairy fair with his cow at a state fair. Both were exhausted. The boy’s father painted them sleeping in their arms. The picture was spread with a note. «My son is happy after yesterday’s show.» The picture received thousands of views.

The boy’s parents grew up on a farm. Now that they live elsewhere, they want their children to be connected to their roots. So the family takes pets during the summer so that the children can live on the farm. The father says that Farma’s life has taught them a lot, to preserve and preserve important values.

They recently participated in a dairy show at a low state fair.

Watch the incredible video below.

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